Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year, everyone!

It's officially 2012! Did you make it to midnight? I barely did.

Generally, I'm not one for New Years resolutions. I don't see a point to them and very seldomly stick to them if I do make any. The big one for most people is "lose weight," isn't it? I don't want to do that, but I would like to exercise more to stay in shape. I guess I should add "eating better" to that... Since I now own legit, good pots and pans and a toaster oven, I can cook.

But here is my list of things I'd like to accomplish in 2012:
+I'd like to learn more about as much as possible.
+Become a better person.
+Visit places I have never been (and actually take a vacation).
+Read more books.
+Try to do more public speaking events

Now I'd like to recap 2011 (I know, I'm going backwards here):
+Received my first Guide Dog.
+Met some really awesome people at Guide Dog school.
-Numerous eye surgeries and the complications that went with them.
-Work related issues due to numerous eye surgeries/complications.
+Bought a house.
-Family health issues.
+Selected as the 2012 Arline Philips Achievement Award winner.

All in all, 2011 seemed to have evened itself out.

Here's to a new year and hoping the world doesn't end (haha)!!

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